53B-17-601. Utah Museum of Natural History -- Traveling exhibits and OutreachPrograms. (1) There is established at the University of Utah the Utah Museum of Natural History,where tangible objects reflecting the past, present, and continuing development of our naturalhistory may be collected and displayed for educational and cultural purposes.
(2) (a) The museum shall make available to people throughout the state, through travelingexhibits and outreach programs, archeological and paleontological objects retrieved from the stateof Utah.
(b) The museum shall provide professional expertise and assistance in the proper care ofthe archeological and paleontological collections from state lands as they are housed throughoutthe state.
(3) The museum shall submit an annual request to the Legislature to fund the ongoingcosts of the programs authorized under Subsection (2) as part of its base budget.
Amended by Chapter 318, 1997 General Session