53B-18-204. Acceptance of federal grants. The state of Utah reaffirms its acceptance of the grants of money and property authorizedby the following Acts of Congress:
(1) the Morrill Act, approved July 2, 1862;
(2) an Act of Congress passed March 2, 1887, entitled, "An act to establish agriculturalexperiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several states under theprovisions of an act approved July 2, 1862, and all acts supplementary to that act";
(3) an Act of Congress entitled, "An act to provide an increased annual appropriation foragricultural experiment stations and regulating the expenditure thereof," approved March 16,1906;
(4) the Purnell Act, approved February 24, 1925;
(5) "the Smith-Lever Act to aid in the development of the extension work in connectionwith the agricultural colleges," approved May 8, 1914;
(6) "the Capper-Ketchum Act, providing for further support of agricultural extensionwork as conducted by the agricultural colleges," approved May 22, 1928.
Enacted by Chapter 167, 1987 General Session