53C-3-201. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Acquired lands" means lands acquired by the administration under the agreement.
(2) "Acquired mineral interests" means mineral interests acquired by the administrationpursuant to Section 3(F), (K), (L), or (M) of the agreement.
(3) "Agreement" means the Agreement to Exchange Utah School Trust Lands Betweenthe State of Utah and the United States of America, signed May 8, 1998, as ratified by the UtahSchool and Lands Exchange Act of 1998, Pub. L. No. 105-335.
(4) "Exchange" means a land or mineral interest exchange by the administration and theUnited States of America after March 1, 2007 that is directed by Congressional action.
(5) "Exchanged lands" means lands:
(a) acquired by the administration through an exchange; and
(b) reduced in value to take into account the presence of minerals subject to leasingunder the Mineral Leasing Act, 30 U.S.C. Sec. 181 et seq.
(6) "Exchanged mineral interests" means mineral interests:
(a) acquired by the administration through an exchange; and
(b) reduced in value to take into account the presence of minerals subject to leasingunder the Mineral Leasing Act, 30 U.S.C. Sec. 181 et seq.
(7) "Identified tracts" means the tracts identified in Section 3(F), (G), (J), (K), (L), and(M) of the agreement, generally referred to as the Cottonwood Tract, Westridge Coal Tract,Ferron Field, Mill Fork Tract, Dugout Canyon Tract, Muddy Tract, and North Horn Coal Tract.
(8) "Subject mineral" means a mineral that is covered by the Mineral Leasing Act, 30U.S.C. Sec. 181 et seq.
Amended by Chapter 79, 2010 General Session