53C-3-202. Collection and distribution of revenues from federal land exchangeparcels. (1) The director shall collect all bonus payments, rentals, and royalties from the lease of:
(a) minerals on acquired lands;
(b) acquired mineral interests;
(c) minerals on exchanged lands; and
(d) exchanged mineral interests.
(2) No later than the last day of the second month following each calendar quarter, thedirector shall distribute:
(a) bonus payments received during the calendar quarter from the lease of coal, oil andgas, and coalbed methane on the identified tracts as follows:
(i) 50% to the United States; and
(ii) 50% to the Land Exchange Distribution Account created in Section
(b) rentals and royalties received during the calendar quarter from the lease of subjectminerals on the acquired lands and the lease of acquired mineral interests as follows:
(i) 50% to the Land Grant Management Fund created by Section
53C-3-101; and
(ii) 50% to the Land Exchange Distribution Account created in Section
(c) mineral bonus, rental, and royalty revenue generated from the lease of subjectminerals, other than oil shale, on exchanged lands or from the lease of exchanged mineralinterests, other than interests in oil shale, as follows:
(i) 50% to the Land Grant Management Fund created by Section
53C-3-101; and
(ii) 50% to the Land Exchange Distribution Account created in Section
53C-3-203; and
(d) mineral bonus, rental, and royalty revenue generated from the lease of oil shale onexchanged lands or the lease of exchanged mineral interests that are interests in oil shale, net ofamounts paid to the United States pursuant to a reserved interest of the United States in oil shale,as follows:
(i) 50% to the Land Grant Management Fund created by Section
53C-3-101; and
(ii) 50% to the Land Exchange Distribution Account created in Section
(3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(c), the director may retain up to 3% of themonies collected under Subsection (1) to pay for administrative costs incurred under Subsections(1) and (2).
(b) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(c), the director may deduct administrative costsbefore distributions are made under Subsection (2).
(c) The director may not deduct administrative costs from the portion of collectionsderived from minerals on exchanged lands or exchanged mineral interests that is equal to theUnited States' reserved interest in oil shale.
(d) The director shall keep the administrative cost deductions in separate accounts.
(e) The monies retained under Subsection (3)(a) are nonlapsing.
(f) The director shall distribute in accordance with Subsection (2) the unused balance ofthe monies retained under Subsection (3)(a) that exceeds $2,000,000 at the end of a fiscal year.
Amended by Chapter 79, 2010 General Session