54-1-11. Prohibited interests, relationships and actions by commissioners andemployees. (1) No person employed as a commissioner or as personnel of the commission shall,while so employed:
(a) Have any pecuniary interest, whether as the holder of stock or other securities, orotherwise have any conflict of interest with any public utility or other entity subject to thejurisdiction of the commission;
(b) Have any office, position or relationship, or be engaged in any business or avocationwhich interferes or is incompatible with the effective and objective fulfillment of the duties ofoffice or employment with the commission;
(c) Accept any gift, gratuity, emolument or employment from any public utility or otherentity subject to the jurisdiction of the commission or from any other officer, agent, or employeethereof; or
(d) Solicit, suggest, request, or recommend, directly or indirectly, the appointment of anyperson or entity to any office or employment with any public utility or other entity subject to thejurisdiction of the Public Service Commission.
(2) No officer, agent, attorney, or employee of any public utility shall directly orindirectly solicit, request, or recommend to the governor, any state senator, the commission, orthe Division of Public Utilities the appointment of any person as a commissioner or as executivedirector of the commission, or the appointment of any person to any commission staff position.
Enacted by Chapter 246, 1983 General Session