54-1-7. Secretary of commission -- Appointment -- Functions. The commission may appoint a secretary of the commission, who shall serve at thepleasure of the commission. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a full and true record ofall the proceedings of the commission and of all determinations, rulings and orders made by thecommission, or by any of the commissioners, and of the approval and confirmation by thecommission of the determinations, rulings and orders made by individual commissioners oradministrative law judges. The secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the commission,and shall file and preserve at its general office all books, profiles, tariffs, schedules, reports, mapsand documents, and all papers whatsoever filed with it or entrusted to its care, and the secretaryshall be responsible to the commission for the custody thereof. Under the direction of thecommission the secretary shall superintend its clerical business, conduct its correspondence, givenotice of all hearings, determinations, rulings and orders of the commission, prepare for servicepapers and notices required by the commission, and perform other duties the commission mayprescribe. The secretary shall have power to administer oaths in all parts of the state in allproceedings by or before the commissioners and in all cases or matters pertaining to the duties ofthe office of secretary. In the absence of the secretary, the commission may designate anotherindividual to perform the secretary's duties.
Amended by Chapter 246, 1983 General Session