54-3-21. Commission to be furnished information and copies of records -- Hearingsbefore commission to be public -- Privilege. (1) Every public utility shall furnish to the commission in such form and such detail as thecommission shall prescribe all tabulations and computations and all other information required byit to carry into effect any of the provisions of this title, and shall make specific answers to allquestions submitted by the commission.
(2) Every public utility receiving from the commission any blanks with directions to fillthe same shall cause the same to be properly filled so as to answer fully and correctly eachquestion propounded therein; in case it is unable to answer any question, it shall give a good andsufficient reason for such failure.
(3) Whenever required by the commission every public utility shall deliver to thecommission copies of any or all maps, profiles, contracts, agreements, franchises, reports, books,accounts, papers and records in its possession or in any way relating to its property or affecting itsbusiness, and also a complete inventory of all its property in such form as the commission maydirect.
(4) Hearings or proceedings of the commission or of any commissioner shall be open tothe public, and all records of all hearings or proceedings or orders, rules or investigations by thecommission or any commissioner shall be at all times open to the public; provided, that anyinformation furnished the commission by a public utility or by any officer, agent or employee ofany public utility may be withheld from the public whenever and during such time as thecommission may determine that it is for the best interests of the public to withhold suchinformation. Any officer or employee of the commission who in violation of the provisions of thissubsection divulges any such information is guilty of a misdemeanor.
No Change Since 1953