54-3-24. Hostage situation -- Telephone communication prevention. The supervising law enforcement official having jurisdiction in a geographical area wherehostages are held, who has probable cause to believe that the holder of one or more hostages iscommitting a crime, may order a previously designated telephone company security employee toarrange to cut, reroute or divert telephone lines that serve the area in which the hostages are beingheld, in an emergency, for the purpose of preventing telephone communications by the holder ofthe hostages with any person other than a peace officer or person authorized by a peace officer.
The serving telephone company within the geographical area of the law enforcement unitshall designate a telephone company security official and an alternate to provide all requiredassistance to law enforcement officials to carry out the purpose of this section. Good faithreliance on an order given by a supervising law enforcement official shall constitute a completedefense to any action brought for conduct allowed under this section.
Enacted by Chapter 217, 1981 General Session