54-4-1.1. Wholesale electrical cooperative exempt from rate regulation --Requirements for rate increase. The commission does not have the authority under the provisions of this title to regulate,fix, or otherwise approve or establish the rates, fares, tolls, or charges of a wholesale electricalcooperative. A wholesale electrical cooperative shall not vary its charges within any type orclassification of service to any member or the public, one from the other, or from schedules ofrates, fares, tolls, or charges which schedules shall be filed at least annually with the Division ofPublic Utilities for informational purposes only. The prohibition of this section applies only tothe rates, fares, tolls, or charges and does not exempt wholesale electrical cooperatives fromother areas of regulation under this title including, but not limited to, regulation having anindirect effect on rates, fares, tolls, or charges but which does not constitute an approval orestablishment of them.
A wholesale electrical cooperative must, prior to the implementation of any rate increaseafter January 1, 1984, hold a public meeting for all its customers and members. Notice must bemailed at least 10 days prior to the meeting. In addition, any schedule of new rates or otherchange that results in new rates must be approved by the board of directors of the wholesaleelectrical cooperative.
Enacted by Chapter 50, 1984 General Session