54-4-12. Telegraph and telephone -- Connections -- Joint rates -- Division of costs. Whenever the commission shall find, after a hearing, that a physical connection canreasonably be made between the lines of two or more telephone corporations, or two or moretelegraph corporations, whose lines can be made to form a continuous line of communication bythe construction and maintenance of suitable connections for the transfer of messages orconversations, and that public convenience and necessity will be subserved thereby, or shall findthat two or more telegraph or telephone corporations have failed to establish joint rates, tolls orcharges for service by or over their said lines and that joint rates, tolls or charges ought to beestablished, the commission may, by its order, require that such connection be made, exceptwhere the purpose of such connection is primarily to secure the transmission of local messages orconversations between points within the same city or town, and that conversations be transmittedand messages transferred over such connections under such rules and regulations as thecommission may establish and prescribe, and that through lines and joint rates, tolls and chargesbe made and be used, observed and be in force in the future. If such telephone or telegraphcorporations do not agree upon the division between themselves of the cost of such physicalconnection or connections, or upon the division of the joint rates, tolls or charges established bythe commission over such through lines, the commission shall have authority, after a furtherhearing, to establish such division by supplemental order.
No Change Since 1953