54-4-15.3. Signals or devices at grade crossings -- Apportionment of costs. The Department of Transportation, in accordance with the provisions of Section
54-4-15,shall apportion the cost of the installation, maintenance, reconstruction or improvement of anysignals or devices described in Section
54-4-15.1 between the railroad or street railroad and thepublic agency involved. Unless otherwise ordered by the department, the liability of cities, townsand counties to pay the share of maintenance cost assigned to the local agencies by thedepartment shall be limited to the funds provided under this act. Payment of any money from thefunds provided shall be made on the basis of verified claims filed with the Department ofTransportation by the railroad or street railroad corporation responsible for the physicalinstallation, maintenance, reconstruction or improvement of the signal or device.
Amended by Chapter 9, 1975 Special Session 1