54-4-18. Electric, gas, and water service. The commission shall have power, after a hearing, to ascertain and fix just and reasonablestandards, classifications, regulations, practices, measurements or service to be furnished,imposed, observed and followed by all electrical, gas and water corporations; to ascertain and fixadequate and serviceable standards for the measurement of quantity, quality, pressure, initialvoltage or other conditions pertaining to the supply of the product, commodity or servicefurnished or rendered by any such public utility; to prescribe reasonable regulations for theexamination and testing of such products, commodity or service, and for the measurementthereof; to establish reasonable rules, regulations, specifications and standards to secure theaccuracy of all meters and appliances for measurements; and to provide for the examination andtesting of any and all appliances used for the measurement of any product, commodity or serviceof any such public utility.
No Change Since 1953