54-4-2. Investigations -- Hearings and notice -- Findings. (1) Whenever the commission believes that in order to secure a compliance with theprovisions of this title or with the orders of the commission, or that it will be otherwise in theinterest of the public, an investigation should be made of any act or omission to act, or ofanything accomplished or proposed, or of any schedule, classification, rate, price, charge, fare,toll, rental, rule, regulation, service or facility of any public utility, it shall investigate the sameupon its own motion, and may fix a time and place for a hearing thereof with notice to the publicutility concerning which such investigation shall be made, and upon such hearing shall makesuch findings and orders as shall be just and reasonable with respect to any such matter.
(2) This chapter does not apply to a schedule, classification, rate, price, charge, fare, toll,rental, rule, service, facility, or contract of a public utility or electrical corporation furnishingelectricity, if the electricity is consumed by an owner, lessor, or interest holder or by an affiliateof an owner, lessor, or interest holder, who has provided at least $25,000,000 in value, includingcredit support, relating to the electric plant furnishing the electricity and whose consumptiondoes not exceed its long-term entitlement in the plant under a long-term arrangement other than apower purchase agreement, except a power purchase agreement with an electrical corporation.
Amended by Chapter 390, 2010 General Session