54-7-1.5. Communications between commission personnel and parties restricted. No member of the Public Service Commission, administrative law judge, or commissionemployee who is or may reasonably be expected to be involved in the decision making process,shall make or knowingly cause to be made to any party any communication relevant to the meritsof any matter under adjudication unless notice and an opportunity to be heard are afforded to allparties. No party shall make or knowingly cause to be made to any member of the commission,administrative law judge, or commission employee who is or may reasonably be expected to beinvolved in the decision making process, an ex parte communication relevant to the merits of anymatter under adjudication. Any member of the commission, administrative law judge orcommission employee who receives an ex parte communication shall place the communicationinto the public record of the proceedings and afford all parties an opportunity to comment on theinformation.
Enacted by Chapter 246, 1983 General Session