54-7-8. Offices for utility's books and records -- Production for examination. (1) Each public utility shall have an office in a county of this state in which its property orsome portion thereof is located, and shall keep in said office all such books, accounts, papers andrecords as shall be required by the commission to be kept within this state. No books, accounts,papers or records required by the commission to be kept within this state shall be at any timeremoved from the state except upon such conditions as may be prescribed by the commission.
(2) The commission may require, by order served on any public utility in the mannerprovided herein for the service of orders, the production within this state at such time and place asit may designate of any books, accounts, papers or records kept by said public utility in any officeor place without this state, or at its option verified copies in lieu thereof, so that an examinationthereof may be made by the commission or under its direction.
No Change Since 1953