54-8-7. Reports of utilities -- Recommendations -- Estimate of costs. The public utility or utilities report shall set forth an estimate of the total undergroundconversion costs and shall also indicate the costs of underground conversion of facilities of thepublic utility corporations located within the boundaries of the various parcels or lots thenreceiving service. The report shall also contain the public utility corporations' recommendationsconcerning the feasibility of the project for the district proposed in so far as the physicalcharacteristics of the district and the facilities of the public utilities within the district areconcerned. The report shall make recommendations by the public utility corporations concerninginclusion or exclusion of areas within the district or immediately adjacent to the district. Thegoverning body shall give careful consideration to the public utility corporations'recommendations concerning feasibility, recognizing their expertise in this area, and may amendthe boundaries of the proposed improvement district provided that the costs and feasibility reportof the public utilities contains a cost figure on the district as amended or it may request a newcosts and feasibility report from the public utilities concerned on the basis of the amended district.The cost estimate contained in the report shall not be considered binding on the utilities ifconstruction is not commenced within six months of the submission of the estimate for reasonsnot within the control of the utility. Should such a delay result in a significant increase of theconversion costs, new hearings shall be held on the creation of the district. In the event that only aminor increase results, only the hearing on the assessments need be held again.
Enacted by Chapter 157, 1969 General Session