54-8-9. Public hearing -- Notice -- Contents. (1) After the passage of the resolution in Section
54-8-8, the governing body shall causenotice of a public hearing on the proposed improvement to be given as provided in Section
(2) The notice required under Subsection (1) shall:
(a) describe the boundaries or area of the district with sufficient particularity to permiteach owner of real property in the proposed district to ascertain that the owner's property lies inthe district;
(b) describe in a general way the proposed improvement, specifying the streets orproperty along which it will be made and the nature of the benefits to the property within thedistrict;
(c) state the estimated cost as determined from the costs and feasibility report andincluding the contract price of the improvement and the cost of engineering and clerical service,advertising, inspection, collection of assessments, interests upon bonds, if issued, and for legalservices for preparing proceedings and advising in regard to them;
(d) state that it is proposed to assess the real property in the district to pay all or adesignated portion of the cost of the improvement according to the method determined by thegoverning body under Section
(e) state the date, time, and place that the governing body will conduct a public hearingupon the proposed improvement and on the question of benefits to be derived by the real propertyin the district;
(f) state that all interested persons will be heard and that any property owner will beheard on the question of whether his property will be benefitted by the proposed improvement;and
(g) designate the date, time, and place of a public hearing at which the governing bodywill consider objections to the creation of the proposed district and the making of the proposedimprovements.
Amended by Chapter 129, 2006 General Session