54-8c-6. Association for mutual receipt of notification of activities close to highvoltage overhead lines. (1) Public utilities may form and operate an association providing for mutual receipt ofnotification of activities close to high voltage overhead lines in a specified area.
(2) In areas where an association is formed:
(a) notification to the association is effected as set forth in Section
54-8c-2; and
(b) public utilities with high voltage overhead lines in the area:
(i) may become members of the association;
(ii) may participate in and receive the services furnished by the association; and
(iii) shall pay their proportionate share of the cost for the services furnished.
(3) The association whose members or participants have high voltage overhead lineswithin a county shall file a list containing the name, address, and telephone number of everymember and participating public utility with the county clerk.
(4) If notification is made by telephone, an adequate record shall be maintained by theassociation to document compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 10, 1997 General Session