54-15-103. Net metering program -- Metering equipment -- Interconnectionagreement. (1) Each electrical corporation shall:
(a) except as provided in Subsection (2), make a net metering program available to theelectrical corporation's customers; and
(b) allow customer generation systems to be interconnected to the electrical corporation'sfacilities using, except as provided in Subsection (4), a kilowatt-hour meter capable of netmetering.
(2) An electrical corporation may discontinue making a net metering program availableto customers not already participating in the program if:
(a) the cumulative generating capacity of customer generation systems in the programequals at least .1% of the electrical corporation's peak demand during 2007; or
(b) the electrical corporation serves fewer than 1,000 customers in the state.
(3) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a), the governing authority may establish a higheramount of generating capacity from customer generation systems than .1% of the electricalcorporation's peak demand during 2007 before a net metering program may be discontinuedunder Subsection (2).
(b) Before acting under Subsection (3)(a), the governing authority shall provide publicnotice of its proposed action and an opportunity for public comment.
(4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(b), an electrical corporation may require acustomer participating in the electrical corporation's net metering program to use meteringequipment other than a standard kilowatt-hour meter if the governing authority, after appropriatenotice and opportunity for public comment:
(i) determines that the use of other metering equipment is necessary and appropriate tomonitor the flow of electricity from and to the electrical corporation; and
(ii) approves the requirement for other metering equipment, after considering the benefitsand costs associated with the other metering equipment.
(b) If the governing authority approves the requirement for other metering equipmentunder Subsection (4)(a), the governing authority shall determine how the cost of purchasing andinstalling the other metering equipment is to be allocated between the electrical corporation andthe customer.
(5) An electrical corporation may require a customer to enter into an interconnectionagreement before connecting the customer generation system to the electrical corporation'sfacilities.
Amended by Chapter 244, 2008 General Session