54-15-104. Charges or credits for net electricity. (1) Each electrical corporation with a customer participating in a net metering programshall measure net electricity during each monthly billing period, in accordance with normalmetering practices.
(2) If net metering does not result in excess customer-generated electricity during themonthly billing period, the electrical corporation shall bill the customer for the net electricity, inaccordance with normal billing practices.
(3) If net metering results in excess customer-generated electricity during the monthlybilling period:
(a) (i) the electrical corporation shall credit the customer for the excesscustomer-generated electricity based on the meter reading for the billing period at a value that isat least avoided cost, or as determined by the governing authority; and
(ii) all credits that the customer does not use during the annualized billing period expireat the end of the annualized billing period; and
(b) as authorized by the governing authority, the electrical corporation may bill thecustomer for customer charges that otherwise would have accrued during that billing period inthe absence of excess customer-generated electricity.
Amended by Chapter 244, 2008 General Session