54-15-106. Customer to provide equipment necessary to meet applicable coderequirements -- Governing authority may adopt additional reasonable requirements --Testing and inspection of interconnection. (1) Each customer participating in a net metering program shall provide at the customer'sexpense all equipment necessary to meet applicable local and national standards regardingelectrical and fire safety, power quality, and interconnection requirements established by theNational Electrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code, the Institute of Electrical andElectronics Engineers, and Underwriters Laboratories.
(2) After appropriate notice and opportunity for public comment, the governing authoritymay by rule adopt additional reasonable safety, power quality, and interconnection requirementsfor customer generation systems that the governing authority considers to be necessary to protectpublic safety and system reliability.
(3) (a) If a customer participating in a net metering program complies with requirementsreferred to under Subsection (1) and additional requirements established under Subsection (2), anelectrical corporation may not require that customer to:
(i) perform or pay for additional tests; or
(ii) purchase additional liability insurance.
(b) An electrical corporation may not be held directly or indirectly liable for permittingor continuing to permit an interconnection of a customer generation system to the electricalcorporation's system or for an act or omission of a customer participating in a net meteringprogram for loss, injury, or death to a third party.
(4) An electrical corporation may test and inspect an interconnection at times that theelectrical corporation considers necessary to ensure the safety of electrical workers and topreserve the integrity of the electric power grid.
(5) The electrical function, operation, or capacity of a customer generation system, at thepoint of connection to the electrical corporation's distribution system, may not compromise thequality of service to the electrical corporation's other customers.
Amended by Chapter 244, 2008 General Session