54-17-403. Cost recovery. (1) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, if the commission approves anyportion of an energy utility's resource decision under Section
54-17-402, the commission shall, ina general rate case or other appropriate commission proceeding, include in the energy utility'sretail rates the state's share of costs:
(i) relevant to that proceeding;
(ii) incurred by the energy utility in implementing the approved resource decision; and
(iii) up to the projected costs specified in the commission's order issued under Section
(b) Except to the extent that the commission issues an order under Section
54-17-404,any increase from the projected costs specified in the commission's order issued under Section
54-17-402 shall be subject to review by the commission as part of a rate hearing under Section
(2) (a) Subsequent to the commission issuing an order described in Subsection (2)(a)(i)or (ii), the commission may disallow some or all costs incurred in connection with an approvedresource decision if the commission finds that an energy utility's actions in implementing anapproved resource decision are not prudent because of new information or changedcircumstances that occur after:
(i) the commission approves the resource decision under Section
54-17-402; or
(ii) the commission issues an order to proceed under Section
(b) In making a determination of prudence under Subsection (2)(a), the commission shalluse the standards identified in Section
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the commission may disallowsome or all of the costs incurred by an energy utility in connection with an approved resourcedecision upon a finding by the commission that the energy utility is responsible for a materialmisrepresentation or concealment in connection with an approval process under this chapter.
Enacted by Chapter 11, 2005 General Session