55-5a-3. Permit required to sell blind-made products or services or to make salesto help the blind and visually impaired. (1) A person, group of persons or organization may not, by any means, sell, transfer orotherwise dispose of goods, articles, or products to the public in this state which are labeled asmade by the blind or sold as products of the blind without first securing a permit in writing foreach person selling or soliciting the sale of those goods, articles, or products from the Division ofServices for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
(2) A person, group of persons, or organization may not conduct or engage in anybusiness whatsoever in this state, if the word "blind" is used to designate its product's origin ormanufacture or if it is used in such a manner as to indicate the services, goods, articles, orproducts that it provides are blind-made or provide help for the blind or visually impaired, unlessa written permit is obtained from the division to do so.
(3) A person, group of persons, or organization may not conduct any of the activitiesdesignated in this section using a name, trade name, logo, or other identifying mark or namewhich implies that the person, group of persons, or organization using the name is affiliated withor sponsored by the state or any of its agencies or subdivisions, when the person, group ofpersons, or organization is not sponsored or supported by the state or one of its agencies orsubdivisions.
Amended by Chapter 37, 1996 General Session