56-1-25. Track motor cars -- Installation of head and rear lights, canopies, sidecurtains, windshield and wiper, and heaters. (1) Every person operating or controlling any railroad running through or within the stateshall equip each of its track motor cars used during the period from 30 minutes before sunset to30 minutes after sunrise, with:
(a) an electric headlight of such construction and with sufficient candle power to renderplainly visible at a distance of not less than 300 feet in advance of such track motor car, any trackobstruction, landmark, warning sign, or grade crossing;
(b) a canopy or top of such construction as to adequately protect the occupants of suchcars from rain, snow, and inclement weather;
(c) side curtains;
(d) a windshield equipped with a windshield wiper device, which must be kept in goodworking order, with which the operator can clear rain, snow, and other moisture from thewindshield; and
(e) a red rear electric light of such construction and with sufficient candle power to beplainly visible at a distance of 300 feet.
(2) It is unlawful for any person operating or controlling any railroad running through orwithin this state to operate or use any track motor car from 30 minutes before sunset to 30minutes after sunrise, unless the track motor car is equipped with lights of the candle power,construction, and utility described in Subsection (1), a windshield, and a windshield wiper.
(3) Track motor cars need to be equipped with canopies and side curtains required bySubsection (1) only when requested in writing by a majority of the employees regularly using thecars. The railroad company shall have not less than 90 days after such request to make theinstallation required by this section.
(4) Any person operating or controlling a railroad running through or within the state shallequip its track motor cars with heaters while in use during the time period of November 1 throughMarch 31.
Amended by Chapter 104, 1990 General Session