56-1-37. Cabooses and locomotives -- Safety, health, and comfort rules --Provisions to be included. These rules and regulations should include the following provisions:
(a) Drinking water facilities shall be installed and maintained so as to provide fresh andpure drinking water. When ice is used for water cooling purposes, the containers shall be soarranged that the drinking water will not come in contact with the ice. Containers used for storingor dispensing potable water shall be kept clean at all times and shall be subjected to effectivebacterial treatment as often as may be necessary to prevent the contamination of the water sostored and dispensed.
(b) A heating facility shall be maintained and shall be capable of producing a temperatureof at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit in a standard caboose and 53 degrees in the locomotive cab.
(c) Weather stripping or weatherproof sash shall be installed and maintained at allwindows and doors and other openings, to protect against weather and seepage of dirt and dust.
(d) Toilets will be installed in each caboose of the flush, chemical, incinerating, or othereffective type and where toilets are installed on cabooses or locomotives, they shall be maintainedin a clean and sanitary condition.
Enacted by Chapter 112, 1965 General Session