56-2-2. Movement of defective rolling stock prohibited -- Exceptions. It shall be unlawful for any railroad corporation operating or in control of the operation ofany railroad within the state of Utah to haul or transport or cause to be hauled or transported anybroken or defective car, coach, locomotive or other rolling stock owned, leased or controlled bysaid railroad company or any broken or defective car, coach, locomotive or other rolling stock inthe control or subject to the orders of said railroad company within the state of Utah, except thatthis act shall not apply to prevent the movement of such defective cars or equipment in case offire, strikes or by an act of God where the movement of such defective equipment is required byany statute of the Congress of the United States, or where such cars or equipment are loaded formovement and will not move on their own wheels in such transportation. This act shall not beapplicable to the movement of defective cars or equipment in local yard service or where thedefects in the rolling stock shall occur while in transit, but such defective cars and equipmentshall not be moved or transported a greater distance than the nearest repair point within this statewhere said company maintains shops equipped to repair such defect.
No Change Since 1953