57-2a-3. Persons authorized to perform notarial acts. (1) Notarial acts performed in this state shall be performed by:
(a) a judge or court clerk having a seal;
(b) a notary public; or
(c) a county clerk or county recorder.
(2) The following persons authorized under the laws and regulations of othergovernments may perform notarial acts outside this state for use in this state with the same effectas if performed by a notary public of this state:
(a) a notary public authorized to perform notarial acts in the place where the act isperformed;
(b) a judge, clerk, or deputy clerk of any court of record in the place where the notarialact is performed;
(c) an officer of the foreign service of the United States, a consular agent, or any otherperson authorized by regulation of the United States Department of State to perform notarial actsin the place where the act is performed;
(d) a commissioned officer in active service with the Armed Forces of the United Statesand any other person authorized by regulation of the Armed Forces to perform notarial acts if thenotarial act is performed for any of his dependents, a merchant seaman of the United States, amember of the Armed Forces of the United States, or any other person serving with oraccompanying the Armed Forces of the United States; or
(e) any other person authorized to perform notarial acts in the place where the act isperformed.
Amended by Chapter 88, 1989 General Session