57-8-13.12. Land to be withdrawn or added to project -- Applicability ofrestrictions. No covenants, restrictions, limitations, or other representations or commitments in thedeclaration concerning anything that is or is not to be done on the additional land, thewithdrawable land, or any portion of either, shall be binding as to any portion of either lawfullywithdrawn from the condominium project or never added to it except to the extent that thedeclaration so provides. In the case of any covenant, restriction, limitation, or other representationor commitment in the declaration or in any other agreement requiring the declarant to add anyportion of the additional land or to withdraw any portion of the withdrawable land, or imposingany obligations concerning anything that is or is not to be done on it or concerning it, or imposingany obligations about anything that is or is not to be done on or in respect to the condominiumproject or any portion of it, this section shall not be construed to nullify, limit, or otherwise affectany such obligation.
Enacted by Chapter 173, 1975 General Session