57-8a-102. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) (a) "Assessment" means a charge imposed or levied:
(i) by the association;
(ii) on or against a lot or a lot owner; and
(iii) pursuant to a governing document recorded with the county recorder.
(b) "Assessment" includes a common expense.
(2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), "association" means a corporation orother legal entity, each member of which:
(i) is an owner of a residential lot located within the jurisdiction of the association, asdescribed in the governing documents; and
(ii) by virtue of membership or ownership of a residential lot is obligated to pay:
(A) real property taxes;
(B) insurance premiums;
(C) maintenance costs; or
(D) for improvement of real property not owned by the member.
(b) "Association" or "homeowner association" does not include an association createdunder Title 57, Chapter 8, Condominium Ownership Act.
(3) "Board of directors" or "board" means the entity, regardless of name, with primaryauthority to manage the affairs of the association.
(4) "Common areas" means property that the association:
(a) owns;
(b) maintains;
(c) repairs; or
(d) administers.
(5) "Common expense" means costs incurred by the association to exercise any of thepowers provided for in the association's governing documents.
(6) (a) "Governing documents" means a written instrument by which the associationmay:
(i) exercise powers; or
(ii) manage, maintain, or otherwise affect the property under the jurisdiction of theassociation.
(b) "Governing documents" includes:
(i) articles of incorporation;
(ii) bylaws;
(iii) a plat;
(iv) a declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions; and
(v) rules of the association.
(7) "Lease" or "leasing" means regular, exclusive occupancy of a lot:
(a) by a person or persons other than the owner; and
(b) for which the owner receives a consideration or benefit, including a fee, service,gratuity, or emolument.
(8) "Lot" means:
(a) a lot, parcel, plot, or other division of land:
(i) designated for separate ownership or occupancy; and
(ii) (A) shown on a recorded subdivision plat; or
(B) the boundaries of which are described in a recorded governing document; or
(b) (i) a unit in a condominium association if the condominium association is a part of adevelopment; or
(ii) a unit in a real estate cooperative if the real estate cooperative is part of adevelopment.
(9) "Residential lot" means a lot, the use of which is limited by law, covenant, orotherwise to primarily residential or recreational purposes.
Enacted by Chapter 153, 2004 General Session