57-10-7. Coordinates required to be based on control stations. (1) Coordinates based on either the Utah Coordinate System of 1927 or the UtahCoordinate System of 1983 that purport to define the position of a point on a land boundary shallbe based on a monumented horizontal control station established in conformity with the standardsof accuracy and specifications for first or second order geodetic surveying, as prepared andpublished by the Federal Geodetic Control Committee (FGCC) of the United States Departmentof Commerce.
(a) Standards and specifications of the FGCC or its successor in force on the date of thesurvey shall apply.
(b) Publishing existing control stations, or the acceptance with intent to publish the newlyestablished stations, by the National Ocean Service/National Geodetic Survey constitutesevidence of adherence to the FGCC specifications.
(2) Control stations which have been established by agencies of the state or its politicalsubdivisions may also be used, provided those points are established in conformity with thestandards set forth in Section
Amended by Chapter 167, 1990 General Session