57-14-2. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) (a) "Land" means any land within the territorial limits of Utah.
(b) "Land" includes roads, railway corridors, water, water courses, private ways andbuildings, structures, and machinery or equipment when attached to the realty.
(2) "Owner" includes the possessor of any interest in the land, whether public or privateland, a tenant, a lessor, a lessee, and an occupant or person in control of the premises.
(3) "Recreational purpose" includes, but is not limited to, any of the following or anycombination thereof:
(a) hunting;
(b) fishing;
(c) swimming;
(d) skiing;
(e) snowshoeing;
(f) camping;
(g) picnicking;
(h) hiking;
(i) studying nature;
(j) waterskiing;
(k) engaging in water sports;
(l) engaging in equestrian activities;
(m) using boats;
(n) mountain biking;
(o) riding narrow gauge rail cars on a narrow gauge track that does not exceed 24 inchgauge;
(p) using off-highway vehicles or recreational vehicles; and
(q) viewing or enjoying historical, archaeological, scenic, or scientific sites.
(4) "Charge" means the admission price or fee asked in return for permission to enter orgo upon the land.
(5) "Person" includes any person, regardless of age, maturity, or experience, who entersupon or uses land for recreational purposes.
Amended by Chapter 88, 2005 General Session