57-16-14. Abandoned premises -- Retaking by owner -- Liability of resident oroccupant -- Personal property of resident or occupant left on mobile home space. (1) In the event of abandonment under Section
57-16-13, the park may retake the mobilehome space and attempt to relet the space at a fair rental value. The resident or occupant whoabandoned the premises is liable:
(a) for the entire rent, service charges, and fees that would otherwise be due until thepremise is relet or for a period not to exceed 90 days, whichever comes first; and
(b) any costs incurred by the park necessary to relet the mobile home space at fair marketvalue, including the costs of:
(i) moving the mobile home from the mobile home space;
(ii) storing the mobile home; and
(iii) restoring the mobile home space to a reasonable condition, including the cost ofreplacing or repairing landscaping that was damaged by the resident or occupant.
(2) (a) If the resident or occupant has abandoned the mobile home space, the mobilehome, or both, and has left personal property, including the mobile home, on the mobile homespace, the park is entitled to remove the property from the mobile home space, store it for theresident or occupant, and recover actual moving and storage costs from the resident, the occupant,or both. With respect to the mobile home, however, the park may elect to contact the lienholderunder Section
57-16-9, or to store the mobile home on the mobile home space, while attemptingto notify the resident or occupant under Subsection (2)(b)(i).
(b) (i) The park shall make reasonable efforts to notify the resident or occupant of thelocation of the personal property, and that the personal property will be sold at the expiration of30 days if not redeemed and removed by the resident or occupant. Reasonable efforts require thatthe park send written notice by regular mail to the resident or occupant at the last-known addresswithin the park if the park is unaware of any subsequent address. To redeem the personalproperty, the resident or occupant is required to pay the reasonable storage and moving charges.
(ii) If the personal property has been in storage for over 30 days, notice has been given asrequired by Subsection (2)(b)(i), and the resident or occupant has made no reasonable effort torecover the personal property, the park may:
(A) sell the personal property and apply the proceeds toward any amount the resident oroccupant owes; or
(B) donate the personal property to charity or dispose of the property.
(c) Any excess money from the sale of the personal property, including the mobile home,shall be handled as specified in Title 67, Chapter 4a, Part 2, Standards for Determining WhenProperty is Abandoned or Unclaimed.
(d) Nothing contained in this chapter shall be in derogation of or alter the owner's rightsunder Title 38, Chapter 3, Lessors' Liens.
Enacted by Chapter 256, 2001 General Session