57-16-6. Action for lease termination -- Prerequisite procedure. A legal action to terminate a lease based upon a cause set forth in Section
57-16-5 maynot be commenced except in accordance with the following procedure:
(1) Before issuance of any summons and complaint, the mobile home park shall send orserve written notice to the resident or person:
(a) by delivering a copy of the notice personally;
(b) by sending a copy of the notice through registered or certified mail addressed to theresident or person at the person's place of residence;
(c) if the resident or person is absent from the person's place of residence, by leaving acopy of the notice with some person of suitable age and discretion at the individual's residenceand sending a copy through registered or certified mail addressed to the resident or person at theperson's place of residence; or
(d) if a person of suitable age or discretion cannot be found, by affixing a copy of thenotice in a conspicuous place on the resident's or person's mobile home and also sending a copythrough registered or certified mail addressed to the resident or person at the person's place ofresidence.
(2) The notice required by Subsection (1) shall set forth:
(a) the cause for the notice and, if the cause is one which can be cured, the time withinwhich the resident or person has to cure; and
(b) the time after which the mobile home park may commence legal action against theresident or person if cure is not effected, as follows:
(i) In the event of failure to abide by a mobile home park rule, the notice shall provide fora cure period as provided in Subsections
57-16-5(1)(a) and (2), except in the case of repeatedviolations and, shall state that if a cure is not timely effected, or a written agreement madebetween the mobile home park and the resident allowing for a variation in the rule or cure period,eviction proceedings may be initiated immediately.
(ii) If a resident, a member, or invited guest or visitor of the resident's householdcommits repeated violations of a rule, a summons and complaint may be issued three days after anotice is served.
(iii) If a resident, a member, or invited guest or visitor of the resident's householdbehaves in a manner that threatens or substantially endangers the well-being, security, safety, orhealth of other persons in the park or threatens or damages property in the park, evictionproceedings may commence immediately.
(iv) If a resident does not pay rent, fees, or service charges, the notice shall provide afive-day cure period and, that if cure is not timely effected, or a written agreement made betweenthe mobile home park and the resident allowing for a variation in the rule or cure period, evictionproceedings may be initiated immediately.
(v) If a lease is terminated because of a planned change in land use or condemnation ofthe park or a portion of the park, the notice required by Section
57-16-18 serves as notice of thetermination of the lease.
(3) (a) Eviction proceedings commenced under this chapter and based on causes set forthin Subsections
57-16-5(1)(a), (b), and (e) shall be brought in accordance with the Utah Rules ofCivil Procedure and may not be treated as unlawful detainer actions under Title 78B, Chapter 6,Part 8, Forcible Entry and Detainer.
(b) Eviction proceedings commenced under this chapter and based on causes of action
set forth in Subsections 57-16-5(1)(c) and (d) may, at the election of the mobile home park, betreated as actions brought under this chapter and the unlawful detainer provisions of Title 78B,Chapter 6, Part 8, Forcible Entry and Detainer.
(c) If unlawful detainer is charged, the court shall endorse on the summons the number ofdays within which the defendant is required to appear and defend the action, which shall not beless than five days or more than 20 days from the date of service.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 55, 2008 General Session