57-16-7. Rules of parks. (1) (a) A mobile home park may promulgate rules related to the health, safety, andappropriate conduct of residents and to the maintenance and upkeep of such park. No change inrule that is unconscionable is valid.
(b) (i) No new or amended rule shall take effect, nor provide the basis for an evictionnotice, until the expiration of at least:
(A) 120 days after its promulgation if it is a rule that requires a resident to make exterior,physical improvements to the resident's mobile home or mobile home space and to incurexpenses greater than $2,000 in order to comply with the rule;
(B) 90 days after its promulgation if it is a rule that requires a resident to make exterior,physical improvements to the resident's mobile home or mobile home space and to incurexpenses greater than $250 up to $2,000 in order to comply with the rule; or
(C) 60 days after its promulgation if it is a rule that requires a resident to make exterior,physical improvements to the resident's mobile home or mobile home space and to incurexpenses of $250 or less in order to comply with the rule.
(ii) Each resident, as a condition precedent to a rule under this Subsection (1)(b)becoming effective, shall be provided with a copy of each new or amended rule that does notappear in the resident's lease agreement promptly upon promulgation of the rule.
(iii) For purposes of determining which period of time applies under Subsection (1)(b)(i),the mobile home park may rely upon a good-faith estimate obtained by the mobile home parkfrom a licensed contractor.
(c) Within 30 days after the mobile home park proposes amendments to the mobile homepark rules, the mobile home park shall schedule at least one meeting for the purpose ofdiscussing the proposed rule amendments with residents and shall provide at least 10 daysadvance written notice of the date, time, location, and purposes of the meeting to all residents.
(2) A mobile home park may specify the type of material used, and the methods used inthe installation of, underskirting, awnings, porches, fences, or other additions or alterations to theexterior of a mobile home, and may also specify the tie-down equipment used in a mobile homespace, in order to insure the safety and good appearance of the park; but under no circumstancesmay it require a resident to purchase such material or equipment from a supplier designated bythe mobile home park.
(3) No mobile home park may charge an entrance fee, exit fee, nor installation fee, butreasonable landscaping and maintenance requirements may be included in the mobile home parkrules. The resident is responsible for all costs incident to connection of the mobile home toexisting mobile home park facilities and for the installation and maintenance of the mobile homeon the mobile home space.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a mobile home park fromrequiring a reasonable initial security deposit.
Amended by Chapter 255, 2002 General Session