57-18-4. Requirements for creation. (1) Any property owner may grant a conservation easement to any other qualified personas defined in Section
57-18-3 in the same manner and with the same effect as any otherconveyance of an interest in real property.
(2) A conservation easement shall be in writing and shall be recorded in the office of therecorder of the county in which the easement is granted.
(3) The instrument that creates a conservation easement shall identify and describe theland subject to the conservation easement by legal description, specify the purpose for which theeasement is created, and include a termination date or a statement that the easement continue inperpetuity.
(4) Any qualified person, as defined in Section
57-18-3, that receives a conservationeasement shall disclose to the easement's grantor, at least three days prior to the granting of theeasement, the types of conservation easements available, the legal effect of each easement, andthat the grantor should contact an attorney concerning any possible legal and tax implications ofgranting a conservation easement.
Enacted by Chapter 155, 1985 General Session