57-25-109. Duration -- Amendment by court action. (1) An environmental covenant is perpetual unless it is:
(a) (i) limited to a specific duration by its terms; or
(ii) terminated by the occurrence of a specific event;
(b) terminated by consent under Section
(c) terminated under Subsection (2);
(d) terminated by foreclosure of an interest that has priority over the environmentalcovenant; or
(e) terminated or modified in an eminent domain proceeding, but only if:
(i) the agency that signed the covenant is a party to the proceeding;
(ii) all persons identified in Subsections
57-25-110(1) and (2) are given notice of thependency of the proceeding; and
(iii) the court determines, after hearing, that the termination or modification will notadversely affect human health or the environment.
(2) (a) If the agency that signed an environmental covenant has determined that theintended benefits of the covenant can no longer be realized, a court, under the doctrine ofchanged circumstances, in an action in which all persons identified in Subsections
57-25-110(1)and (2) have been given notice, may terminate the covenant or reduce its burden on the realproperty subject to the covenant.
(b) The Department of Environmental Quality's determination under Subsection (2)(a) orits failure to make a determination upon request is subject to review under Title 63G, Chapter 4,Administrative Procedures Act.
(c) A federal agency's determination under Subsection (2)(a) or its failure to make adetermination upon request is subject to review under applicable federal law.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in Subsections (1) and (2), an environmental covenantmay not be extinguished, limited, or impaired through issuance of a tax deed, foreclosure of a taxlien, or application of the doctrine of adverse possession, prescription, abandonment, waiver,lack of enforcement, or acquiescence, or a similar doctrine.
(4) An environmental covenant may not be extinguished, limited, or impaired byapplication of Title 57, Chapter 9, Marketable Record Title.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session