58-1-106. Division -- Duties, functions, and responsibilities. (1) The duties, functions, and responsibilities of the division include the following:
(a) prescribing, adopting, and enforcing rules to administer this title;
(b) investigating the activities of any person whose occupation or profession is regulatedor governed by the laws and rules administered and enforced by the division;
(c) subpoenaing witnesses, taking evidence, and requiring by subpoena duces tecum theproduction of any books, papers, documents, records, contracts, recordings, tapes,correspondence, or information relevant to an investigation upon a finding of sufficient need bythe director or by the director's designee;
(d) taking administrative and judicial action against persons in violation of the laws andrules administered and enforced by the division, including the issuance of cease and desistorders;
(e) seeking injunctions and temporary restraining orders to restrain unauthorized activity;
(f) giving public notice of board meetings;
(g) keeping records of board meetings, proceedings, and actions and making thoserecords available for public inspection upon request;
(h) issuing, refusing to issue, revoking, suspending, renewing, refusing to renew, orotherwise acting upon any license;
(i) preparing and submitting to the governor and the Legislature an annual report of thedivision's operations, activities, and goals;
(j) preparing and submitting to the executive director a budget of the expenses for thedivision;
(k) establishing the time and place for the administration of examinations; and
(l) preparing lists of licensees and making these lists available to the public at cost uponrequest unless otherwise prohibited by state or federal law.
(2) The division may not include home telephone numbers or home addresses oflicensees on the lists prepared under Subsection (1)(l), except as otherwise provided by rules ofthe division made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative RulemakingAct.
(3) (a) The division may provide the home address or home telephone number of alicensee on a list prepared under Subsection (1) upon the request of an individual who providesproper identification and the reason for the request, in writing, to the division.
(b) A request under Subsection (3)(a) is limited to providing information on only onelicensee per request.
(c) The division shall provide, by rule, what constitutes proper identification underSubsection (3)(a).
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session