58-1-301. License application -- Licensing procedure. (1) (a) Each license applicant shall apply to the division in writing upon forms availablefrom the division. Each completed application shall contain documentation of the particularqualifications required of the applicant, shall include the applicant's Social Security number, shallbe verified by the applicant, and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fees.
(b) An applicant's Social Security number is a private record under Subsection
(2) (a) A license shall be issued to an applicant who submits a complete application if thedivision determines that the applicant meets the qualifications of licensure.
(b) A written notice of additional proceedings shall be provided to an applicant whosubmits a complete application, but who has been, is, or will be placed under investigation by thedivision for conduct directly bearing upon the applicant's qualifications for licensure, if theoutcome of additional proceedings is required to determine the division's response to theapplication.
(c) A written notice of denial of licensure shall be provided to an applicant who submitsa complete application if the division determines that the applicant does not meet thequalifications of licensure.
(d) A written notice of incomplete application and conditional denial of licensure shall beprovided to an applicant who submits an incomplete application. This notice shall advise theapplicant that the application is incomplete and that the application is denied, unless the applicantcorrects the deficiencies within the time period specified in the notice and otherwise meets allqualifications for licensure.
(3) Before any person is issued a license under this title, all requirements for that licenseas established under this title and by rule shall be met.
(4) If all requirements are met for the specific license, the division shall issue the license.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session