58-5a-306. Exemptions from licensure. The following persons may practice podiatry, subject to stated circumstances andlimitations, without being licensed under this chapter:
(1) a podiatric physician serving in the armed forces of the United States, the UnitedStates Public Health Service, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, or other federalagencies while engaged in activities regulated under this chapter as a part of his employment withthat federal agency if the individual holds a valid license to practice podiatry issued by any otherstate or jurisdiction recognized by the division;
(2) a student engaged in activities that constitute the practice of podiatry while in trainingin a recognized school approved by the division to the extent the activities are under thesupervision of qualified faculty or staff and the activities are a defined part of the trainingprogram;
(3) a person engaged in an internship, residency, preceptorship, postceptorship,fellowship, apprenticeship, or on-the-job training program approved by the division while underthe supervision of qualified persons;
(4) a person residing in another state and licensed to practice podiatry there, who is calledin for a consultation by a person licensed in this state and services provided are limited to thatconsultation or who is invited by a recognized school, association, society, or other bodyapproved by the division to conduct a lecture, clinic, or demonstration of the practice of podiatryso long as that individual does not establish a place of business or regularly engage in the practiceof podiatry in the state;
(5) a person licensed under the laws of this state to practice or engage in any otheroccupation or profession while engaged in the lawful, professional, and competent practice of thatoccupation or profession; and
(6) persons who fit or sell corrective shoes, arch supports, or similar devices, to the extenttheir acts and practices involve only the fitting and selling of these items.
Amended by Chapter 232, 1996 General Session