58-9-102. Definitions. In addition to the definitions in Section
58-1-102, as used in this chapter:
(1) "Authorizing agent" means a person legally entitled to authorize the cremation ofhuman remains.
(2) "Beneficiary" means the individual who, at the time of the beneficiary's death, is toreceive the benefit of the property and services purchased under a preneed funeral arrangement.
(3) "Board" means the Board of Funeral Service created in Section
(4) "Body part" means:
(a) a limb or other portion of the anatomy that is removed from a person or humanremains for medical purposes during treatment, surgery, biopsy, autopsy, or medical research; or
(b) a human body or any portion of a body that has been donated to science for medicalresearch purposes.
(5) "Buyer" means a person who purchases a preneed funeral arrangement.
(6) "Calcination" means a process in which a dead human body is reduced by intenseheat to a residue that is not as substantive as the residue that follows cremation.
(7) "Cremated remains" means all the remains of a cremated body recovered after thecompletion of the cremation process, including pulverization which leaves only bone fragmentsreduced to unidentifiable dimensions and may possibly include the residue of foreign matterincluding casket material, bridgework, or eyeglasses that were cremated with the human remains.
(8) "Cremation" means the technical process, using direct flame and heat, that reduceshuman remains to bone fragments through heat and evaporation and includes the processing andusually the pulverization of the bone fragments.
(9) "Cremation chamber" means the enclosed space within which the cremation processtakes place and which is used exclusively for the cremation of human remains.
(10) "Cremation container" means the container:
(a) in which the human remains are transported to the crematory and placed in thecremation chamber for cremation; and
(b) that meets substantially all of the following standards:
(i) composed of readily combustible materials suitable for cremation;
(ii) able to be closed in order to provide a complete covering for the human remains;
(iii) resistant to leakage or spillage;
(iv) rigid enough for handling with ease; and
(v) able to provide protection for the health, safety, and personal integrity of crematorypersonnel.
(11) "Crematory" means the building or portion of a building that houses the cremationchamber and the holding facility.
(12) "Direct disposition" means the disposition of a dead human body:
(a) as quickly as law allows;
(b) without preparation of the body by embalming; and
(c) without an attendant funeral service or graveside service.
(13) "Disposition" means the final disposal of a dead human body by:
(a) earth interment;
(b) above ground burial;
(c) cremation;
(d) calcination;
(e) burial at sea;
(f) delivery to a medical institution; or
(g) other lawful means.
(14) "Embalming" means replacing body fluids in a dead human body with preservingand disinfecting chemicals.
(15) (a) "Funeral merchandise" means any of the following into which a dead humanbody is placed in connection with the transportation or disposition of the body:
(i) a vault;
(ii) a casket; or
(iii) other personal property.
(b) "Funeral merchandise" does not include:
(i) a mausoleum crypt;
(ii) an interment receptacle preset in a cemetery; or
(iii) a columbarium niche.
(16) "Funeral service" means a service, rite, or ceremony performed:
(a) with respect to the death of a human; and
(b) with the body of the deceased present.
(17) "Funeral service director" means an individual licensed under this chapter who mayengage in all lawful professional activities regulated and defined under the practice of funeralservice.
(18) (a) "Funeral service establishment" means a place of business at a specific streetaddress or location licensed under this chapter that is devoted to:
(i) the embalming, care, custody, shelter, preparation for burial, and final disposition ofdead human bodies; and
(ii) the furnishing of services, merchandise, and products purchased from theestablishment as a preneed provider under a preneed funeral arrangement.
(b) "Funeral service establishment" includes:
(i) all portions of the business premises and all tools, instruments, and supplies used inthe preparation and embalming of dead human bodies for burial, cremation, and final dispositionas defined by division rule; and
(ii) a facility used by the business in which funeral services may be conducted.
(19) "Funeral service intern" means an individual licensed under this chapter who ispermitted to:
(a) assist a funeral service director in the embalming or other preparation of a deadhuman body for disposition;
(b) assist a funeral service director in the cremation, calcination, or pulverization of adead human body or its remains; and
(c) perform other funeral service activities under the supervision of a funeral servicedirector.
(20) "Graveside service" means a funeral service held at the location of disposition.
(21) "Memorial service" means a service, rite, or ceremony performed:
(a) with respect to the death of a human; and
(b) without the body of the deceased present.
(22) "Practice of funeral service" means:
(a) supervising the receipt of custody and transportation of a dead human body to prepare
the body for:
(i) disposition; or
(ii) shipment to another location;
(b) entering into a contract with a person to provide professional services regulated underthis chapter;
(c) embalming or otherwise preparing a dead human body for disposition;
(d) supervising the arrangement or conduct of:
(i) a funeral service;
(ii) a graveside service; or
(iii) a memorial service;
(e) cremation, calcination, or pulverization of a dead human body or the body's remains;
(f) supervising the arrangement of:
(i) a disposition; or
(ii) a direct disposition;
(g) facilitating:
(i) a disposition; or
(ii) a direct disposition;
(h) supervising the sale of funeral merchandise by a funeral establishment;
(i) managing or otherwise being responsible for the practice of funeral service in alicensed funeral service establishment;
(j) supervising the sale of a preneed funeral arrangement; and
(k) contracting with or employing individuals to sell a preneed funeral arrangement.
(23) (a) "Preneed funeral arrangement" means a written or oral agreement sold inadvance of the death of the beneficiary under which a person agrees with a buyer to provide atthe death of the beneficiary any of the following as are typically provided in connection with adisposition:
(i) goods;
(ii) services, including:
(A) embalming services; and
(B) funeral directing services;
(iii) real property; or
(iv) personal property, including:
(A) a casket;
(B) another primary container;
(C) a cremation or transportation container;
(D) an outer burial container;
(E) a vault;
(F) a grave liner;
(G) funeral clothing and accessories;
(H) a monument;
(I) a grave marker; and
(J) a cremation urn.
(b) "Preneed funeral arrangement" does not include a policy or product of life insuranceproviding a death benefit cash payment upon the death of the beneficiary which is not limited toproviding the products or services described in Subsection (23)(a).
(24) "Processing" means the reduction of identifiable bone fragments after thecompletion of the cremation process to unidentifiable bone fragments by manual means.
(25) "Pulverization" means the reduction of identifiable bone fragments after thecompletion of the cremation and processing to granulated particles by manual or mechanicalmeans.
(26) "Sales agent" means an individual licensed under this chapter as a preneed funeralarrangement sales agent.
(27) "Temporary container" means a receptacle for cremated remains usually made ofcardboard, plastic, or similar material designed to hold the cremated remains until an urn or otherpermanent container is acquired.
(28) "Unlawful conduct" is as defined in Sections
58-1-501 and
(29) "Unprofessional conduct" is as defined in Sections
58-1-501 and
(30) "Urn" means a receptacle designed to permanently encase the cremated remains.
Amended by Chapter 353, 2008 General Session