58-9-306. License by endorsement. The division may issue a license by endorsement under this chapter to a person who:
(1) provides documentation that the funeral service director's current licensure is active,in good standing, and free from any disciplinary action;
(2) submits an application on a form provided by the division;
(3) pays a fee determined by the department;
(4) is of good moral character in that the person has not been convicted of:
(a) a first or second degree felony;
(b) a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; or
(c) any other crime that when considered with the duties and responsibilities of thelicense for which the person is applying is considered by the division and the board to indicatethat the best interests of the public are not served by granting the applicant a license;
(5) has completed five years of lawful and active practice as a licensed funeral servicedirector and embalmer within the 10 years immediately preceding the application for licensure byendorsement;
(6) has passed a national examination determined by the division; and
(7) has demonstrated competency of the laws and the rules of the state as determined bythe division.
Amended by Chapter 144, 2007 General Session