58-9-307. Supervision of funeral service intern. (1) A person seeking licensure as a funeral service intern shall submit as a part of theapplication for a license:
(a) the name of the licensed funeral service director who has agreed to supervise allduties performed by the applicant as an intern; and
(b) the name of the licensed funeral service establishment at which the training andsupervision shall take place.
(2) A licensed funeral service director may supervise only one licensed funeral serviceintern at one time.
(3) (a) Within 30 days after the day on which the supervisor-supervisee relationshipbetween a licensed funeral service director and a licensed funeral service intern terminates, thefuneral service director shall furnish to the division a report of the performance of the funeralservice intern.
(b) The report shall be in form and content as prescribed by the division.
(4) (a) A licensed funeral service intern shall notify the division of any change in theintern's supervising funeral service director.
(b) The supervising funeral service director shall submit to the division, in accordancewith Subsection (3), a report of the funeral service intern's performance.
(5) The licensed funeral service director is responsible for supervision of all of the dutiesand functions performed by the funeral service intern throughout the entire internship period.
Amended by Chapter 144, 2007 General Session