58-11a-306. Apprenticeship. (1) An approved barber apprenticeship shall:
(a) consist of not less than 1,250 hours of training in not less than eight months; and
(b) be conducted by a supervisor who:
(i) is licensed under this chapter as a barber instructor or a cosmetology/barber instructor;and
(ii) provides direct one-on-one supervision of the barber apprentice during theapprenticeship program.
(2) An approved cosmetologist/barber apprenticeship shall:
(a) consist of not less than 2,500 hours of training in not less than 15 months; and
(b) be conducted by a supervisor who:
(i) is licensed under this chapter as a cosmetologist/barber instructor; and
(ii) provides direct one-on-one supervision of the cosmetologist/barber apprentice duringthe apprenticeship program.
(3) An approved esthetician apprenticeship shall:
(a) consist of not less than 800 hours of training in not less than five months; and
(b) be conducted by a supervisor who:
(i) is licensed under this chapter as an esthetician instructor; and
(ii) provides direct one-on-one supervision of the esthetician apprentice during theapprenticeship program.
(4) An approved master esthetician apprenticeship shall:
(a) consist of not less than 1,500 hours of training in not less than 10 months; and
(b) be conducted by a supervisor who:
(i) is licensed under this chapter as a master-level esthetician instructor; and
(ii) provides direct one-on-one supervision of the master esthetician apprentice duringthe apprenticeship program.
(5) An approved nail technician apprenticeship shall:
(a) consist of not less than 375 hours of training in not less than three months; and
(b) be conducted by a supervisor who:
(i) is licensed under this chapter as a nail technician instructor or a cosmetology/barberinstructor; and
(ii) provides direct one-on-two supervision of the nail technician apprentice during theapprenticeship program.
Amended by Chapter 130, 2009 General Session