58-24b-303. Term of license -- Renewal -- Temporary license for physical therapistassistant. (1) A license issued under this chapter shall be issued in accordance with a two-yearrenewal cycle established by rule. The division may, by rule, extend or shorten a license renewalprocess by one year in order to stagger the renewal cycles that the division administers.
(2) At the time of license renewal, the licensee shall provide satisfactory evidence thatthe licensee completed continuing education competency requirements, established by thedivision, by rule.
(3) If a license renewal cycle is shortened or extended under Subsection (1), the divisionshall increase or reduce the required continuing education competency requirements accordingly.
(4) A license issued under this chapter expires on the expiration date indicated on thelicense, unless the license is renewed under this section.
(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the division may, by rule, grant atemporary license, that expires on July 1, 2012, as a physical therapist assistant to an individualwho:
(a) was working as a physical therapist assistant in Utah before July 1, 2009; and
(b) complies with the requirements described in Subsections
58-24b-302(2)(a), (b), (c),(f), and (g).
Enacted by Chapter 220, 2009 General Session