58-24b-503. Lawful and unlawful use of titles and terms -- Unlawful advertising orpromotion. (1) A person who is a licensed physical therapist shall use the letters "PT" in connectionwith the person's name or business in order to indicate that the person is a licensed physicaltherapist.
(2) A person who is a licensed physical therapist assistant shall use the letters "PTA" inconnection with the person's name or business in order to indicate that the person is a licensedphysical therapist assistant.
(3) It is unlawful for a person who is not a licensed physical therapist, a licensed physicaltherapist assistant, or a person described in Subsection
58-24b-304(1)(e) to:
(a) use, in connection with the person's name or business, any of the following words orabbreviations:
(i) physical therapy, except to the extent that the word is used to describe conduct that aperson is licensed to engage in under another law of the state;
(ii) physiotherapy; or
(iii) any other word, abbreviation, or insignia, indicating or implying, directly orindirectly, that the person practices physical therapy; or
(b) offer, provide, or bill a person for:
(i) physical therapy services or anything that is characterized as physical therapyservices; or
(ii) physiotherapy services or anything that is characterized as physiotherapy services.
(4) It is unlawful for a person who is not a licensed physical therapist to:
(a) except as provided in Subsection (6), use, in connection with the person's name orbusiness, any of the following words or abbreviations:
(i) physical therapist;
(ii) physiotherapist;
(iii) PT;
(iv) DPT;
(v) MPT; or
(vi) any other word, abbreviation, or insignia, indicating or implying, directly orindirectly, that the person is a physical therapist or physiotherapist;
(b) advertise that a person who is not a licensed physical therapist is a physical therapistor physiotherapist; or
(c) promote a person who is not a licensed physical therapist as a physical therapist orphysiotherapist.
(5) It is unlawful for a person who is not a licensed physical therapist assistant to:
(a) use, in connection with the person's name or business, any of the following words orabbreviations:
(i) physical therapist assistant;
(ii) physiotherapist assistant;
(iii) PTA; or
(iv) any other word, abbreviation, or insignia, indicating or implying, directly orindirectly, that the person is a physical therapist assistant or a physiotherapist assistant;
(b) advertise that a person who is not a licensed physical therapist assistant is a physicaltherapist assistant or a physiotherapist assistant; or
(c) promote a person who is not a licensed physical therapist assistant as a physicaltherapist assistant or physiotherapist assistant.
(6) Subsection (4)(a) does not prohibit a person from using a word or abbreviationdescribed in Subsection (4)(a) in connection with the person's business, if the person employs aphysical therapist at the person's business.
Enacted by Chapter 220, 2009 General Session