58-28-304. Temporary license -- License reciprocity. (1) The division may issue a temporary license to practice veterinary medicine, surgery,and dentistry to any person not qualified for licensure under Subsection (4) who meets allrequirements of Section
58-28-302 with the exception of Subsections
58-28-302(1)(b) and (d),except that the temporary license shall by its terms expire at the date examination results areavailable for the examination next following the date of the issuance of the temporary license.
(2) The temporary license shall permit the holder to practice under the indirectsupervision of a veterinarian licensed to practice in this state.
(3) The division may extend the expiration date of the temporary license until thefollowing examination date if:
(a) the applicant shows to the board good cause for failing to take or pass theexamination; and
(b) the majority of the board members recommend the extension.
(4) Upon the recommendation of the board, the division may issue a license withoutexamination to a person who:
(a) has been licensed or registered to practice veterinary medicine, surgery, and dentistryin any state, district, or territory of the United States or in any foreign country, whoseeducational, examination, and experience requirements are or were at the time the license wasissued equal to those of this state;
(b) has engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine, dentistry, and surgery whilelicensed by another jurisdiction for at least two years;
(c) obtained the license in another jurisdiction after passing an examination componentacceptable to the division and the board;
(d) produces satisfactory evidence of having practiced veterinary medicine competentlyand in accordance with the standards and ethics of the profession while practicing in anotherjurisdiction; and
(e) produces satisfactory evidence of identity and good moral character as it relates to theapplicant's functions and practice as a licensed veterinarian.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 109, 2006 General Session