58-37f-201. Controlled substance database -- Creation -- Purpose. (1) There is created within the division a controlled substance database.
(2) The division shall administer and direct the functioning of the database in accordancewith this chapter.
(3) The division may, under state procurement laws, contract with another state agencyor a private entity to establish, operate, or maintain the database.
(4) The division shall, in collaboration with the board, determine whether to operate thedatabase within the division or contract with another entity to operate the database, based on ananalysis of costs and benefits.
(5) The purpose of the database is to contain the data described in Section
58-37f-203regarding every prescription for a controlled substance dispensed in the state to any individualother than an inpatient in a licensed health care facility.
(6) The division shall maintain the database in an electronic file or by other meansestablished by the division to facilitate use of the database for identification of:
(a) prescribing practices and patterns of prescribing and dispensing controlledsubstances;
(b) practitioners prescribing controlled substances in an unprofessional or unlawfulmanner;
(c) individuals receiving prescriptions for controlled substances from licensedpractitioners, and who subsequently obtain dispensed controlled substances from a drug outlet inquantities or with a frequency inconsistent with generally recognized standards of dosage for thatcontrolled substance; and
(d) individuals presenting forged or otherwise false or altered prescriptions for controlledsubstances to a pharmacy.
Enacted by Chapter 287, 2010 General Session