58-40-2. Definitions. In addition to the definitions in Section
58-1-102, as used in this chapter:
(1) "Approved," when used to refer to a course of education, training, experience,examination, or other licensing requirement, means with approval by the division incollaboration with the board.
(2) "Assessment" means the use of skilled observation or evaluation by administeringand interpreting standardized or nonstandardized tests and measurements to identify areas forrecreational therapy services.
(3) "Board" means the Board of Recreational Therapy.
(4) (a) "Practice recreational therapy" means to engage in the paid performance ofproviding therapeutic recreation services according to the therapeutic recreational process toindividuals with an emotional, social, intellectual, or physical pathology.
(b) A therapeutic recreational process involves minimum skills for competent practiceand includes necessary knowledge to provide the following patient services:
(i) assessment of individual needs for therapeutic recreational intervention;
(ii) development of an individualized treatment or intervention plan based on assessedinterests and needs;
(iii) appropriate implementation of therapeutic intervention services;
(iv) evaluation and documentation of patient outcomes; and
(v) the organization and management of therapeutic recreational services.
(5) "Treatment or intervention plan" means a written record containing the informationrequired by Section
58-40-7, which is composed for each patient by a person licensed as a mastertherapeutic recreational specialist or therapeutic recreational specialist under this chapter.
(6) "Unlawful conduct" as defined in Section
58-1-501 includes the following conduct byany individual who is not licensed under this chapter:
(a) advertising or representing himself as being able to teach or conduct a recreationaltherapy program; or
(b) using in connection with his name the initials MTRS, TRS, or TRT, or any term, title,abbreviation, sign, or device relating to the practice of recreational therapy or the licenses underthis chapter.
(7) "Unprofessional conduct" as defined in Section
58-1-501 and as may be furtherdefined by rule includes:
(a) failing to supervise a therapeutic recreational technician, a student intern, ortemporarily licensed therapeutic recreational specialist when required to do so;
(b) failing to keep or maintain a recreational therapy treatment plan;
(c) making sexual advances to a patient or requesting of a patient sexual favors, sexualintercourse, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature;
(d) possessing or using illegal or unprescribed prescription drugs or medications;
(e) using or being under the influence of intoxicating beverages while performingrecreational therapy; or
(f) violating Sections
58-40-6 through
Amended by Chapter 11, 2004 General Session