58-44a-501. Unlawful conduct. "Unlawful conduct" includes:
(1) engaging in practice as a certified nurse midwife when not licensed or exempted fromlicensure under this chapter, or engaging in practice as a registered nurse when not licensed orexempted from licensure under this chapter or Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act;
(2) representing or holding oneself out as a certified nurse midwife, nurse midwife, oridentifying oneself by the initials C.N.M. or N.M. when not licensed under this chapter;
(3) representing or holding out oneself as a registered nurse or identifying oneself by theinitials R.N. when not licensed under this chapter or Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act;and
(4) using any other title, initials, or any other means indicating that one is licensed underthis chapter.
Repealed and Re-enacted by Chapter 288, 1998 General Session