58-46a-102. Definitions. In addition to the definitions in Section
58-1-102, as used in this chapter:
(1) "Board" means the Hearing Instrument Specialist Licensing Board created in Section
(2) "Direct supervision" means that the supervising hearing instrument specialist ispresent in the same facility as is the person being supervised and is available for immediate inperson consultation.
(3) "Hearing instrument intern" means a person licensed under this chapter who isobtaining education and experience in the practice of a hearing instrument specialist under thesupervision of a supervising hearing instrument specialist.
(4) "Hearing instrument" or "hearing aid" means any device designed or offered to beworn on or by an individual to enhance impaired human hearing, including the device'sspecialized parts, attachments, or accessories.
(5) "Indirect supervision" means that the supervising hearing instrument specialist is notrequired to be present in the same facility as is the person being supervised, but is available forvoice to voice contact by telephone, radio, or other means at the initiation of the person beingsupervised.
(6) "Practice of a hearing instrument specialist" means:
(a) establishing a place of business to practice as a hearing instrument specialist;
(b) testing the hearing of a human patient over the age of 17 for the sole purpose ofdetermining whether a hearing loss will be sufficiently improved by the use of a hearinginstrument to justify prescribing and selling the hearing instrument and whether that hearinginstrument will be in the best interest of the patient;
(c) providing the patient a written statement of prognosis regarding the need for orusefulness of a hearing instrument for the patient's condition;
(d) prescribing an appropriate hearing instrument;
(e) making impressions or earmolds for the fitting of a hearing instrument;
(f) sale and professional placement of the hearing instrument on a patient;
(g) evaluating the hearing loss overcome by the installation of the hearing instrument andevaluating the hearing recovery against the representations made to the patient by the hearinginstrument specialist;
(h) necessary intervention to produce satisfactory hearing recovery results from a hearinginstrument; or
(i) instructing the patient on the use and care of the hearing instrument.
(7) "Supervising hearing instrument specialist" means a hearing instrument specialistwho:
(a) is licensed by and in good standing with the division;
(b) has practiced full-time as a hearing instrument specialist for not less than two years;and
(c) is approved as a supervisor by the division in collaboration with the board.
(8) "Unlawful conduct" is as defined in Section
(9) "Unprofessional conduct" is as defined in Sections
58-1-501 and
Enacted by Chapter 28, 1994 General Session